liki liki design | Aliki
Since the Marmomacc Fair in 2011, and the marked recognition of LED lighting, the actual Lighting Design of the stands has indeed improved but not as much as expected. A bit like some of the results obtained with direct and indirect lighting at the Jean Nouvel Quai Branly Museum, where, in a suffused environment, light [...]
Vera Meneguzzo on « stira e sukha » il piacere nella disciplina tradotto dal sanscrito installazione di Aliki Polydor ex-Macello Verona L’ installazione luminosa e profumata di Aliki Polydor, come il piacere nella disciplina, una affermazione della necessità del rigore per guadagnare un momento di delizia, nell’impronta di « piedi per terra » sotto l’ondeggiare [...]
“take it or leave it”©2006 Aliki Polydor LED lighting interactive project, could best be translated in italian as "immediatezza o rinuncia”©2006 An overview Today the senses are weakened and lacerated because technology and progress make all processes dramatically explicit. Senses are neutralized and we lose our capacity to discriminate. We need to reflect on that… [...]
People are increasingly staring into bright screens long into the night. Smartphones, laptops and all kinds of electronic screens have become brighter and bluer over the past couple of decades because of the addition of powerful blue LEDs. Thus promising disruptions of circadian cycles, sleep, and in the long run, probably damaging vision and eyesight. During [...]
Here's a surprise that awaits us "outside" upon arriving at the Vatican Museum in Rome. We  have come to visit the latest SSL illumination project of the Sistine Chapel.  PLDC October 2015
liki liki LED lighting design studio | LED be there, but with flair | Aliki Polydor | liki liki design studio
Even today, lighting design is sometimes still considered non-essential, secondary, often left on the sidelines of the architectural project, and when there is one, not always with a guarantee of acceptable results. It is too often undertaken subsequently at a final stage of architectural projects, or amalgamated within a structure as a somewhat superficial and [...]
Time has come to value what Italian spring has brought about. "daffodil" accompanies Wordsworth's tribute to this magnificently bright and luminous flower. 6500K to be precise and obviously power LEDs. Fuori Salone indeed. "daffodil"©2007
Inevitabilmente si sente dire a proposito dell'illuminazione degli spazi espositivi come la luce, oltre alla sua capacitĂ di estrarre ed esaltare il senso delle opere esposte, ha una notevole componelinte emozionale che mira a colpire la memoria del visitatore e a portare il suo interesse verso il discorso espositivo voluto dagli organizzatori della mostra. In [...]
 Chiesa di San Pietro in Archivolto, piazza Duomo, Verona S’intitola “Take it or leave it”, prendere o lasciare, l’installazione ideata et realizzata dalla designer Aliki Polydor, che e di scena fino a domani a la chiesa di San Pietro in Archivolto a Verona. Questa “azione artistica” coinvolge gli spettatori e li constringe a confrontarsi sulle [...]
"Voglio tutto subito oppure ci rinuncio. Quello che vuoi lo vuoi adesso? Allora lascia perdere, perché adesso non ce l'ho." Coccole da reality show. Obbligate, spiate, consapevolmente trasmesse e registrate. Baciare o combaciare? Coccole imposte, comandate o telecomandate. Coccole richieste con ricatti sottili. Ne fai a me e io ne faccio a te. Baciare, sì, [...]