The light installation in the castle of Rivoli Forte Wohlgemuth “Zafferano o spezie…”, together with the LED light sculpture “ZAFF”, hymns those emotions tied to the senses of vision, taste and smell. Spices give their contribution to the taste of elements and also to the taste of life, by making life more intense with a pinch of extra feeling, intensifying the pleasures of taste and smell but also of vision
As with all spices, saffron yellow has, as a result of its attributes, an important impact on our senses because it influences our being with further repercussions on our soul, on our moods. The plant itself, with all its qualities, imparts well-being, as is often mentioned by Omar Khayyam in poems that often deal with hedonism, Epicureanism…
Strangely enough all colours are to be found in spices…
There is a colour for each spice, for each pleasure. Orange, red, yellow, green…
There is an emotion for every thing in life…
Aliki Polydor©2006
translated by Michael Haggerty